Get clarity on what happened and take your first steps toward healing with my Breakup Recovery Mini Course.
Breakups are tough—especially when they feel like they came out of left field. It can be so hard to come to terms with what happened when you didn’t get any logical explanation from your partner as to why the relationship couldn’t work anymore.
While you can’t force your ex to get back together with you or give you an explanation, you can learn more about why they may have behaved the way they did. That knowledge can bring you some peace while also developing skills that can help you recognize and avoid similar situations in the future. The only person you can control is you, and this mini-course will help you start taking control of your emotions surrounding your ex and the breakup.
Who this Breakup Recovery Mini Course is for:
Who this course is NOT for:
NOTE: This is NOT a thorough educational course on attachment styles and is NOT an explanation of how people of different attachment styles may react individually off the back of such a breakup. For personalised support tailored specifically to your situation, I recommend booking a one-on-one session with a member of the Ken Reid Counselling team.
I’m Ken Reid, a licensed counsellor with the Australian Counselling Association
Just a few years ago, I found myself in a really similar position to you—navigating an abrupt ending to a relationship that had been going extremely well. I couldn’t understand what had happened, and I felt a deep pain unlike any other breakup I had experienced before. The rug had been pulled out from under me, and I needed to understand why.
Through seeking therapy, reading countless books, and doing independent research on relationships and communication, I learned attachment theory, and it shed a lot of light on what happened with my ex, which finally brought me some peace and understanding. However, I became so interested in the subject of attachment theory that I pivoted my career and went back to university for a degree in counselling.
Since then, I’ve launched Ken Reid Counselling to help others who are navigating relationships and breakups impacted by insecure attachment. I specialise in attachment theory so I can help others who are struggling with the same pain that I felt because I know what a frustrating, disappointing, and destabilising experience it can be.
Because there is only one of me and not enough hours in the day for me to give everyone personalised attention, I created this mini course to answer some of the most common questions I get on social media and when I first begin working with clients. Inside, I also share several exercises I use with clients to begin processing what may have happened and to work toward acceptance and healing.
What they say about this course...
"I bought this course after following Ken on Instagram and Facebook. It felt like you understood me, being one month post-avoidant discard. I chose this course as I wanted one that just dealt with this specific scenario, and this course delivered on just sticking to this scenario which I appreciated, so it was totally relevant to me."
"I was curious to see whether I could gain greater understanding and insight into what happened and how to heal and move forward, beyond the therapy and learning I had already undertaken."
"This was my first therapy course online. I found it extremely helpful and had no idea about attachment styles. I guess I am one of the last to know. I couldn't understand the abrupt ending or blocking."
"I thought it was extremely helpful and comforting."
"I felt validated. Most of the videos drew a pretty good picture of what happened in my relationship and during the breakup."
"This is a great course. The format is spot on. By guiding the participants systematically through the experience."
"I felt reassured by the information presented in the videos. Going through an experience like this can feel incredibly isolating, and it was comforting to know that what I have experienced is not uncommon (although it’s unfortunate that this happens to others as well). The course helped me feel less alone in my situation. I truly believe that educating myself about the dynamics of what has happened is a powerful way for me to process my emotions and begin to overcome the pain I’m feeling now. Gaining this knowledge has given me a sense of clarity and direction in my healing journey."
What does the Breakup Recovery
Mini Course cover?
The Breakup Recovery Mini Course includes 15 video lessons and 5 guided exercises to help you start healing. Here's a breakdown of the three modules:
Module 1: Processing what happened
This section will provide you with information regarding different types of sudden breakups that may relate to your individual experience so you can contextualise what may have happened.
Module 2: Figuring out what to do now
This module covers techniques and tools on how to gradually work through the intense emotions off the back of this experience. These tools can be used by yourself or in conjunction with therapy to expedite your recovery process.
Module 3: Taking your first steps toward healing
To round things out, we'll tackle closure and how to get it even if your ex left without giving you any explanation.
Are you ready to get some support?
You don't have to struggle to process your breakup on your own.
The Breakup Recovery Mini Course can help!
Your Price
15 Video Lessons
5 Exercises
Lifetime Access to the Course Content
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